Voices in the House

There has been selective and malevolent leaking

There has been selective and malevolent leaking. Will the Ansbacher list be given to the Garda Commissioner so that he can establish if a leak has occurred, and will the Taoiseach, the Tanaiste and other ministers be willing to be interviewed by members of the Garda?

- The Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton

I am satisfied that the Government has not leaked any information to the media, and the Government is not going to lend credibility to any speculation in the press or anywhere else about the contents of the report.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern


Is he (Mr Ahern) aware that Government personnel are telling journalists and others in this House that they have copies of the report?

- The Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn

No adviser to the Government, or any minister in the Government, received a copy.

- The Tanaiste, Ms Harney

There must be a Garda investigation . . .

- Mr Bruton

Are you sure there was leaking?

- Ms Harney

There is a terrible sense of justifiable anger among ordinary PAYE workers, who went through the 1980s dutifully paying their taxes and getting little or nothing back by way of reward.

- Mr Conor Lenihan (FF)