Martin Ferris (62) comes from Sinn Féin's traditional wing and is a close associate of Gerry Adams. Loyalty to the party, rather than a desire for a career in national politics, persuaded him to run for the Dáil. A former fisherman, it is known he would prefer the life to that of a Leinster House politician. He was first elected to the Dáil in 2002 and has been a frequent contributor to debates, especially on agriculture and rural matters. He spent 10 years in Portlaoise prison for firearm and explosives offences after he was arrested on the Marita Ann gun-running ship in 1984. He had become a member of the Sinn Féin ard chomhairle in 1983 and rejoined in 1995. Married to Marie Hoare, they have three sons and three daughters.
Profile: Martin Ferris (SF)
Kerry: Third TD elected of five