Police baffled by honeymoon murder

Police hunting the gunman who killed British bride Catherine Mullany in Antigua admitted today they were no nearer finding the…

Police hunting the gunman who killed British bride Catherine Mullany in Antigua admitted today they were no nearer finding the culprit.

As her husband Benjamin lay in intensive care amid fears he will not survive, officers said three men were being questioned over the attack four days ago, but none had been made suspects.

A reward of more than £60,000 has been offered for information leading to the conviction of Mrs Mullany's killer, police said. 

Inspector Cornelius Charles said the island's 350-strong police force was not at the stage where it could identify any suspects and added: "There's no telling when we're going to get there."

Two security guards at the Cocos hotel, where the shootings happened in cottage 15, were questioned and released, he said.


Police commissioner Gary Nelson, who was brought in from Canada to improve Antigua’s troubled force earlier this year, added: “We’re looking at all young men who have committed violent acts and we’re questioning them.”

Inspector Charles denied reports that the couple, both aged 31, had been tortured.

A British tourist staying at the same resort in Antigua reported hearing screams 20 minutes apart and gunshots, followed by a female voice shouting “Help me please”.

The couple’s parents have flown to the holiday island to be with Mr Mullany .

They arrived at the Holberton Hospital accompanied by Antiguan officials yesterday afternoon.

The hospital today refused to confirm comments by one of its surgeons, Dr Fidel Fernandez, that Mr Mullany was brain dead with “no chance of survival”.

A nurse confirmed his condition remained “critical” and there had been no improvement.