Plans in train to ban sunbed use for under-18s

PLANS TO ban children from using sunbeds look set to go ahead after a decision by the Government yesterday.

PLANS TO ban children from using sunbeds look set to go ahead after a decision by the Government yesterday.

Legislation to ban under-18s from using the devices will be drafted after Minister for Health James Reilly secured permission from Cabinet.

Dr Reilly’s predecessor as minister for health Mary Harney of the Progressive Democrats proposed such a measure but it was never progressed to the legislative stage.

In May, the Fine Gael-Labour Government took a policy decision to restrict sunbed use and gave permission for the general scheme of Public Health (Sunbeds) Bill to be written up.


The general scheme of the Bill went to Cabinet yesterday and, following a request from Dr Reilly, Ministerial colleagues approved the formal drafting of the proposed legislation.

Under the measures proposed, operators of tanning salons or other premises with sunbeds for clients would be prohibited from allowing under-18s to use the facilities on their premises.

A ban on the sale or hire of sunbeds to anyone under the age of 18 will also be introduced if the proposed legislation becomes law. The use of sunbeds in unsupervised premises would also be outlawed.

It may also require the placing of warning signs in sunbed premises and warning labels on the sunbeds themselves. The legislation could also introduce enforcement provisions and penalties for non-compliance. However, exemptions for sunbed use for medical purposes could be allowed in certain circumstances.

Director of the National Cancer Control Programme Dr Susan O’Reilly told The Irish Times in April that she advocated avoiding sunbeds. The Irish Cancer Society has called for the regulation of the sector, and has previously described the delay in taking action as frustrating.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times