BRITISH musician Eric Clapton is selling his collection of 20th century pictures, drawings and sculptures.

BRITISH musician Eric Clapton is selling his collection of 20th century pictures, drawings and sculptures.

The collection, with works from artists including Degas, Severini and Matisse, is expected to fetch up to £500,000 when it goes to auction in May. Clapton (52) made his name playing in the Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek & The Dominoes. His art collection has been a well kept secret.

Christopher Culkin, father of child star Macaulay Culkin, has given up his battle to gain custody of his children, according to the New York Daily Post. A social services report detailed "how he terrorised his family".

Culkin had been seeking both custody and the right to manage the careers of five of his seven children.


Legendary outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow may finally be buried together according to their wish, almost 63 years after their deaths.

Marie Barrow, Clyde's sister, who plans to sell several of her infamous brother's personal belongings at an auction this month, says she would like to use some of the money to bury him with Parker.

Jolie Gabor, mother of Hungarian born actresses Eva and Zsa Zsa, has died in California, at the age of 97.

The family emigrated to the US in the 1930s. By the 1950s, Eva and Zsa Zsa had achieved international celebrity while their mother was known as one of the movie world's social matrons. She also owned jewellery stores in Palm Springs and New York.