A historical and cultural link between south Offaly/north Tipperary and the state of Maryland in the US will result in a clan gathering in the autumn.
This link revolves around the O'Carroll clan which ruled the south Offaly/north Tipperary area for several hundred years. When forced out of their homeland several prominent members of the clan emigrated to then British colony of Maryland where they were influential in the formation of the state.
The most famous of the early O'Carroll settlers was Charles Carroll who in 1688 became attorney general of Maryland. His grandson was Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, probably Maryland's most famous son, and the only Catholic signatory of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. Other members of this branch of the Carroll family include Daniel Carroll, one of the signatories of the US constitution, and John Carroll, the first Catholic bishop in the US. Everywhere in modern-day Maryland are reminders of the Irish and Carroll connections.
On a recent marketing trip to Maryland, many connections were made with tour operators, historical groups and other business interests which have developed into real business prospects. One example is Baltimore-based Roeder Travel, which is marketing a tour package which will take in the Ely O'Carroll area.
The first clan gathering will take place from September 24th to 26th. According to Ms Tracey Coughlan, the Birr-based manager of Ely O'Carroll tourism, there are more than 10,000 O'Carrolls, Carrolls and some McCarrolls in the country. More than 400 so far are coming from Ireland and Maryland to the gathering. They will meet at Leap Castle near Kinnity, owned by well known traditional musician Sean Ryan, on Friday. Other events will include a talk on the clan by Prof Ron Hoffman, who wrote Princes of Ely, Planters of Maryland. Prof Bob Curran of the University of Ulster will discuss the history of the clan before they left the country. There will also be a visit to Birr Castle which contains family documents.