On the right foot

THIS week's jealous making news that Rebecca Miller has managed to do what many have fervently dreamed of hauled Daniel Day Lewis…

THIS week's jealous making news that Rebecca Miller has managed to do what many have fervently dreamed of hauled Daniel Day Lewis to the altar has been offset (slightly) by the fantastic news that the sometime Wicklow resident is hard in training for his next role. Sure he can be seen in February in The Crucible wearing a dour sackcloth number, and we've all seen him in deeply unattractive tanktops in In The Name Of The Father but for his next role, in The Boxer he'll be back to his Last Of The Mohicans form.

As the lead in Jim Sheridan's next film which begins shooting in March, he plays a professional boxer and typically has thrown himself into the role and is currently training hard in New York. There have been rumours that the script is based on the life of Barry McGuigan, but according to its producer Arthur Lappin it is not. The full cast has not yet been finalised.