Olympic officials confident tickets will sell

Olympic organisers remain confident they will have full stadiums and venues despite slow ticket sales.

Olympic organisers remain confident they will have full stadiums and venues despite slow ticket sales.

Less than 50 per cent of the 5.3 million tickets available have been sold and there are worries that only finals and semi-finals will be sold out, leaving huge gaps in stands for the earlier rounds and less popular sports.

Organisers are still one million tickets away from their target of 3.4 million but are hopeful that a last-minute surge in demand will see them reach it.

"We are very, very satisfied with the response of the Greek public over the last few weeks regarding ticket sales," said spokesman Michalis Zacharatos.


"We have sold 284,000 over the last week. Our budget target for tickets is €183 million and we are close to 90 per cent of achieving that.

"The number of tickets to reach that revenue is 3.4 million tickets. We have broken the 2.4 million mark."

"Today we are opening up four more ticket centres around Athens and we are confident many more people are interested in buying tickets for the Games."

The most popular sports in ticket sales so far have been football, athletics and volleyball, and with only four days until the opening ceremony it is looking increasingly unlikely that there will be a dramatic surge in demand.

"We have four days before the opening ceremony and we hope not only to reach our revenue target but also to have full houses for the events leading up to the finals and semi-finals of events," Zacharatos added.

"We hope to have a full house cheering all the athletes of the world and helping them make this a truly unique competition."