No 'dumbing down' - TUI

INCREASE IN NUMBERS GAINING HONOURS: A teaching union has criticised claims that the Leaving cert is being "dumbed down" despite…

INCREASE IN NUMBERS GAINING HONOURS: A teaching union has criticised claims that the Leaving cert is being "dumbed down" despite the increase in the numbers gaining honours in most subjects.

Offering his congratulations to students, TUI president Paddy Healy said students now had a personal record of achievement of which you should be extremely proud.

"The course you have completed is broad and rigorous and the Leaving Certificate examination enjoys an extremely high reputation internationally. Far from being dumbed down, as some misguided comment has recently suggested, the examination is in fact rigorous and thoroughgoing."

Mr Healy urged all students, of whatever age, to regard their results as opening doors for them: "The options available to you in terms of entry to employment or to further and higher education are hugely varied.


"Further and higher education institutions are offering more courses and places than ever before."

He noted that the institutes of technology offer a wide variety of prestigious, leading-edge courses that cater for a very significant proportion of school-leavers: "The numbers attending the institutes are growing each year, a testament to the magnificent contribution that is being made to education and the economy."

Mr Healy also advised students to consider the wide variety of Post-Leaving Certificate courses on offer across the state.

He urged students to celebrate safely. "For your own sake and the sake of your friends and loved ones, avoid high-risk behaviour that may lead to accidents and, sometimes, fatalities.

"Over-indulgence in alcohol and misuse of drugs diminish enjoyment and, far too often, lead to tragedy."

The Asti president, Sheila Parsons urged students to keep their results in perspective: "While this is an exciting time in young people's lives, it is vital,"she said, "that students keep their exam results in perspective and explore all their options carefully over the coming weeks.

"Now you know your results, take your time to evaluate all your options and remember there are a great number of choices for you to explore."

Ms Parsons also paid tribute to the work of second-level teachers in helping students strive to reach their potential against a background of inadequate educational resources and large classes in many key subject areas.

"There is an urgent need to address the issue of large class sizes at second level. We are one of the richest countries in Europe and this must be reflected in the educational resources provided to our hard working young people," she noted.

"This year's Leaving Certificate results affirm international research which shows that despite the under-funding of our education sector, Irish students and their parents can rely on a quality education service across all types of second level school," concluded Ms Parsons.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times