New suspect case of SARS reported in Dublin

There are unconfirmed reports of a new suspect case of SARS in Dublin tonight.

There are unconfirmed reports of a new suspect case of SARS in Dublin tonight.

An elderly woman who recently returned from Toronto is understood to have attended the casualty unit at St Vincent's Hospital.

The woman is apparently being transferred to an isolation unit at the Mater Hospital, where the outcomeof tests and x-rays are awaited.

Some 13 suspected cases of SARS have been investigated in the State. However, the details of just six have been notified to the World Health Organisation.


Last week two other women, one Chinese the other Irish, underwent similartests after developing Sars-like symptoms, and while the results had still to befinally confirmed, they were not thought to be suffering from the sickness.

Meanwhile, the Government is expected to include the potentially deadlySars virus among diseases potentially requiring a compulsory period ofquarantine for people suspected of having the illness.

The Minister for Health, Mr Martin is due to sign a provision allowing for thatmove in Dublin shortly.

It would permit health board officials to place individuals or groups incompulsory quarantine if it was considered necessary.

The Irish health authorities have dealt with a number of suspect Sars cases inrecent weeks, and one case classified as probable has been identified.

The Department of Health has also contacted the Canadian authorities toseek re-assurance about the level of pro-active screening in place for flightsleaving from Toronto ahead of the resumption of a direct flights service toDublin this this weekend.

The Government-appointed Sars expert group is expected to meet the WorldHealth Organisation's Dr Richard Peabody in Dublin tomorrow to discuss thepublic health implications of staging the Special Olympics in Ireland thissummer.

Dr Darina Flanagan, director of the Irish National Disease SurveillanceCentre, said that Ireland did not have a Sars problem, but added there wasconcern about the disease because of the outbreak in China.

Additional reporting PA