Motorists warned as gales set to sweep the country

Motorists were today warned to be vigilant of falling debris as gale force winds will sweep across the country.

Motorists were today warned to be vigilant of falling debris as gale force winds will sweep across the country.

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) said drivers should also be aware of vehicles affected by strong winds veering across the road.

A spokesman said high sided vehicles and motorcyclists were particularly vulnerable to strong winds.

¿Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are advised to be seen, wear bright clothing with reflective armbands, or a reflective belt or carry a torch,¿ he added.

The strongest winds are expected in north western and northern counties, where there may be gusts of up to 110kph at times during the day. Heavy rain will fall in some places and although winds may ease for a time this afternoon, they will develop again tonight and tomorrow.

Met Éireann also issued a gale warning on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.