Ministerial titles highlight new priorities for government

THE Taoiseach has announced changes in the names of most government Departments and the organisation and responsibilities of …

THE Taoiseach has announced changes in the names of most government Departments and the organisation and responsibilities of some, saying that this would "reflect or . . . emphasise new priorities in Government". "The full details of these changes will be worked out over the coming days," he said.

The most unusual change involves giving the Minister for Defence, Mr David Andrews, some responsibility for European Affairs and the Northern Ireland political talks. In relation to European Affairs he will operate "under the direction" of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Ray Burke. In relation to the Northern talks he will "assist" Mr Burke.

The Fine Gael leader, Mr Bruton, suggested that this would mean Mr Burke was Mr Andrews's "boss". He suggested this was an unusual relationship between two Cabinet Ministers of equal rank. Mr Spring suggested that one minister was being made subservient to another and said this might be unconstitutional.

The Trade portfolio will be returned to the Department of Enterprise and Employment, "with which it most logically fits", said Mr Ahern. Ms Mary Harney becomes the Minister as well as being Tanaiste.


The Department of Health is to become the Department of Health and Children with Mr Brian Cowen as Minister. While food remains the responsibility of the Department of Agriculture and Food under Mr Joe Walsh, responsibility for a statutory, independent, science based food safety and quality authority will be given to the Department of Health and Children.

The Minister for Social Welfare, Mr Dermot Ahern, will become the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs. "The broader remit will reflect the fact that social inclusion means more than just income support, vital though that may be," said the Taoiseach.

The Department of Transport, Energy and Communications, where Ms Mary O'Rourke has been appointed Minister, is being renamed the Department of Public Enterprise. "This will underline our commitment to a dynamic State sector," said Mr Ahern. It will also include fields of enterprise allocated by the public service to private sector operation.

The Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht is being renamed the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands under Ms Sile de Valera. Gaeltacht and the Islands will have a separate identity within the department under a Minister of State.

The Department of Equality and Law Reform is merged into the Department of Justice, under Mr John O'Donoghue.

The Minister for Education, Mr Micheal Martin, is becoming Minister for Education, Science and Technology. The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment will continue to handle the industrial research side of Forbairt.

The Department of the Marine becomes the Department of Natural Resources, including mining, marine and forestry, under Dr Michael Woods.

The Department of the Environment, under Mr Noel Dempsey, will add rural development to its name and will also be responsible for western development.

Dr Jim McDaid becomes Minister in the new Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation, which is also likely to have responsibility for local development.