Minister to summon ambassador to protest at killing

The Minister for Foreign Affairs will call in the Israeli ambassador, probably later this week, to protest over the killing of…

The Minister for Foreign Affairs will call in the Israeli ambassador, probably later this week, to protest over the killing of Pte William Kedian by Israeli-backed militia in South Lebanon yesterday. A Government spokesman said last night that as recently as last Friday, UNIFIL had protested to Israel over shellings in the area. But a spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs said it was normal to await UNIFIL's final report before summoning the ambassador.

This was likely to take a day or two, she added. A formal protest is also expected to be lodged at that time by the UN in Lebanon.

The President, Mrs McAleese, led the expressions of sympathy for the family, saying Pte Kedian had made "the ultimate sacrifice - the giving of life for the cause of peace in our world". In a message to the wounded soldier, Pte Ronald Rushe, she said the Irish people would pray for his recovery.

The Taoiseach also expressed his condolences to Pte Kedian's family and said he hoped the new Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Ehud Barak, would deliver on his commitment to bring the conflict in South Lebanon to an end.


Speaking at a ceremony in Aras an Uachtarain, Mr Ahern added: "Then we may be able to deploy our troops in some other way. But I think Irish soldiers have served there in the cause of peace with distinction; and I'm hopeful that, even though we have these tragic events, there will in time be a solution."

The Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, said he learned of the incident with great sadness. He hoped the family could take some comfort from the fact "he gave his life so that others may live in peace".

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary