Meat inspectors suspend dispute

THE two week dispute between the Department of Agriculture meat inspectors has been suspended for a week to allow further talks…

THE two week dispute between the Department of Agriculture meat inspectors has been suspended for a week to allow further talks to resolve the issue which has already cost the beef processing industry an estimated £3 million, writes Frank Kilfeather.

The Irish Meat Association has warned that there could be lay offs in the State's 40 meat factories if the inspectors continue to refuse to certify beef for EU intervention and for export refunds.

The Minister for Agriculture, Mr Yates, yesterday welcomed the news of the one week suspension and said if the dispute was to continue it would do major damage to the State.

The inspectors' union, IMPACT, is seeking extra staff in the plants and further training for existing staff who are required by the EU to operate tighter inspections controls because of irregularities in the industry uncovered by the beef tribunal.


There was a fear that the continuation of the dispute into next week could have meant that the plants might not tender for intervention from next Tuesday. This would involve 30,000 animals.