Massive Attack star arrested in child porn inquiry

One of the founding members of influential dance group Massive Attack has been arrested on suspicion of Internet child pornography…

One of the founding members of influential dance group Massive Attack has been arrested on suspicion of Internet child pornography offences.

Robert Del Naja (36), also known as 3D, denies the claims. He was arrested during a raid in his home in Bristol on Tuesday.

He was later freed on bail. Computer equipment and a quantity of drugs were seized in the raid.

"I have never looked at child pornography in my life," Naja later said in a statement. "I am fully co-operating with the police and I would ask everyone not to judge me prematurely. I have total faith in the justice system".


The raid was part of the latest phase of Operation Ore, a year-long crackdown by British police on Internet child pornography. Over 1,300 people have been arrested in the past 12 months.

Pioneers of the trip-hop genre and leading lights of the Bristol scene, Massive Attack are best known for their hit single Unfinished Sympathyfrom their 1991 critically acclaimed Blue Linesalbum. Other hits include Protectionand Teardrop, a haunting collaboration with Elizabeth Frazer of the Cocteau Twins.

They are preparing for a major international tour promoting their latest album, 100th Window, which begins in New Zealand next week.

Naja has recently been very vocal in his support for anti-war protesters lobbying the British government against the possible military campaign in Iraq. He teamed up with Blur lead singer Damon Albarn to pay for a series of music paper adverts.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times