Malaysia postpones caning of woman until after Ramadan

SUNGAI SIPUT – Religious authorities in Malaysia have postponed the caning of a Muslim woman convicted of drinking alcohol until…

SUNGAI SIPUT – Religious authorities in Malaysia have postponed the caning of a Muslim woman convicted of drinking alcohol until after the holy month of Ramadan.

The planned caning of mother of two Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno (32) has drawn criticism from rights groups concerned by the rise of Islamic laws in this traditionally moderate country, even though Ms Kartika had accepted the punishment.

Earlier yesterday, a court order to transfer Ms Kartika to a prison to be caned was ruled invalid by an Islamic justice official.

“The punishment has not been cancelled, it was postponed because of Ramadan,” said the Pahang state executive councillor for religion, missionary work and unity, Mohamad Sahfri Abdul Aziz.


Ramadan, a time of fasting and contemplation for Muslims, started on Saturday and lasts a month.

Ms Kartika, who has admitted that she drank beer at a hotel in Pahang in December 2007, said she still accepted the sentence but wanted to be treated fairly.

“I am shocked but I remain steadfast with my decision,” she told reporters. “All I want now is to know my true situation and do not treat me like a football.”

Ms Kartika had worked as a nurse in Singapore until her trial.

While caning is a common punishment under Malaysia’s civil code, no woman has been caned and the severity of the punishment has generated criticism that this modern majority-Muslim state is becoming more hardline. – (Reuters)