Limited legal recognition urged for gay couples

Same sex unions: Legal recognition will have to be given to same sex unions in some fashion, the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell…

Same sex unions: Legal recognition will have to be given to same sex unions in some fashion, the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, said.

Speaking to a meeting of Young Progressive Democrats, the Minister said this recognition should not put such unions on the same legal basis as marriage. A number of cases seeking such recognition before the courts were unlikely to succeed, he believed, though "a lot of problems" could occur if they were to do so. He said Independent Senator David Norris had proposed "a civil partnership model" to ensure that gay and lesbian couples would have proper inheritance and other rights.

"As a liberal party the time has come for us to nail our colours to the mast. Right across the Government I sense the view that there will have to be some sort of recognition for civil partnerships," Mr McDowell said.

While calling for support for such a proposal, he indicated that offering full marital status would open up serious constitutional problems. However, he warned that "the very, very generous tax regime" enjoyed by married couples would have to be reduced if equal tax benefits were to be enjoyed by all those in other forms of relationships.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times