Leaded petrol to be phased out

The Department of the Environment has launched a public information campaign on the phasing out of leaded petrol.

The Department of the Environment has launched a public information campaign on the phasing out of leaded petrol.

All sales of leaded petrol will be phased out by January 1st, 2000. As part of the EU Auto Oil Programme to reduce vehicle emissions, the use of leaded petrol will be banned throughout the Community by 2005.

The Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Mr Dan Wallace, said only a small percentage of cars would be affected by the phase out. Most cars manufactured since 1986 were capable of running on unleaded petrol, he said.

The owners of older vehicles would have a range of options, including the use of lead replacement petrol, the supplementation of unleaded petrol with anti-wear additives, in some cases minor adjustments to the engine timing, or the replacement of valve seats.