Labour calls for legislation on human cloning

The Labour Party has today called for the introduction of legislation to govern cloning and further developments in the area …

The Labour Party has today called for the introduction of legislation to govern cloning and further developments in the area of genetic research.

Labour spokeswoman on Consumer Affairs, Dr Mary Upton, was responding to news released yesterday that the first human embryo has been cloned in the US.

Dr Upton said the human cloning revelation raised profound ethical, legal and moral issues.

She also warned that despite international controversy surrounding the scientific achievement, there was nothing to stop Irish scientists carrying out a similar project, and called on the Government to bring in legislation to regulate and control work in the area.


Dr Upton said the introduction of emergency legislation here, such as that adopted by the British Government, was not simply desirable, but essential.

She said gene therapy had "wonderful potential" in the treatment and prevention of disease, but was concerned at the possible negative discrimination people, predisposed to certain diseases, might experience.

Dr Upton added that although she personally believes human cloning should be entirely banned, she is aware full debate is needed on the issue and urged Government to "bring appropriate proposals before the Oireachtas without further delay".