Kosovan refugees offered extended status

Kosovan refugees have been offered the option of staying an extra year in Ireland or returning home with a re-establishment grant…

Kosovan refugees have been offered the option of staying an extra year in Ireland or returning home with a re-establishment grant of u£5,000, the Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ms Liz O'Donnell, said yesterday.

She said the refugees evacuated to Ireland last year may have their temporary status continued until next year. Otherwise they may avail of the financial package on offer to return home between now and the end of September.

"The new arrangements agreed by Government yesterday will provide comfort to those who wish to stay here and will give those who are anxious to return to Kosovo a considerable boost in their efforts to rebuild their homes and their lives when they return," said Ms O'Donnell.

Those wishing to return will be offered u£5,000 per adult, and u£2,000 for each dependent child under the age of 18 years.


"The first return flight will leave from Shannon to Pristina on July 18th and already 100 refugees have indicated they wish to travel on the flight."

Ms O'Donnell said the desire to return was entirely voluntary and refugees would be free to stay or return, based on their own best interests.

The refugees could continue to live in the existing reception centres or move out into the community, she said. However, it was intended that the centres would close next summer.

"An information leaflet has been distributed to all 842 Kosovan refugees currently living in Ireland. This explains the position to them in full should they decide to stay or return."