Killybegs rebranded as deepwater harbour to attract new business

The south Donegal fishery harbour of Killybegs has been "re-branded" as one of the island's deepwater ports under a new marketing…

The south Donegal fishery harbour of Killybegs has been "re-branded" as one of the island's deepwater ports under a new marketing plan published by the Minister of State for the Marine.

The plan, which was published at an open evening hosted by Pat the Cope Gallagher yesterday, aims to ensure that the State receives a return on its investment of more than €50 million in extending the port at a time of serious difficulty within the region's fishing industry.

The harbour is actively pursuing general cargo and cruise business at present; local business interests have also proposed constructing a marina.

Several months ago, business interests in Killybegs warned that up to 1,000 jobs and a valuable skills base could be lost due to the fishing industry crisis, which it attributed to over-regulation of fishing activity, a ban on night-time landings and increased harbour charges.


The new marketing plan highlights the fact that the new deepwater port has already provided services for several major developments since its completion last year, including import of equipment for the Tynagh Mines site in Galway and the Corrib gas field project.

"Such projects require a secure, deepwater facility with specialist heavy-lift cargo handling equipment, both of which are now available from Killybegs harbour," Mr Gallagher said.

"The investment of over €50 million has been the single largest investment in a fishing port in the history of the State."

The harbour centre was now the "business gateway" to the north-west and could "proudly stand" as one of the finest deepwater ports in Ireland.

Also in Donegal yesterday, a family-run mussel-production company launched an "environmentally friendly" mussel dredger - the €3.1 million 40-metre MV Rona. It is said to be the first of a new generation of vessels built for Irish sea-going conditions.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times