The news of the Provos' decommissioning came just in time for a celebration last Wednesday of Irish-America in Washington's National Press Club. Organised by this year's club president, Richard Ryan, the Detroit News senior correspondent in the capital, the guest of honour was the Irish ambassador, Sean Oh'Uiginn, whose emotional speech reflected how deeply moved he had been by the decision. He told the story of an address many years before in the same venue by the late President Sean T. O'Kelly. Reminded by an official that he had omitted to sing the praises of the newly invented Irish Coffee, seen as an important marketing tool for Irish whiskey, O'Kelly returned to the podium to extol the virtues of coffee, cream and Irish. But, he added, to general consternation, he wanted to know who it was had the awful idea of mixing them together to create "that awful drink".
Presidents are more on message these days.