Woman killed by truck outside Heuston train station

Gardaí trying to establish identity of woman thought to be aged in late teens or early 20s

Gardaí are trying to establish the identity of a young woman who was killed after being knocked down by an articulated truck outside Heuston station in Dublin this evening.

Gardaí are trying to establish the identity of a young woman who was killed after being knocked down by an articulated truck outside Heuston station in Dublin this evening.

The woman, thought to be aged in her late teens or early 20s, was pronounced dead and her remains removed to the city morgue.

The driver of the truck was taken to Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown, where he received treatment for shock.

A technical examination of the scene is under way and it remains sealed off with the vehicle in situ.


There was minor disruption to traffic following the incident, which took place at about 4.20pm. Luas trams experienced temporary disruption.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times