Lotto €11.3m win: Santa Claus is coming to town...

Husband says: ‘I called out the numbers to her. As we confirmed the fourth, I knew we’d won’

This season's Christmas cheer turned to euphoria for one Dublin couple on Thursday after they collected a €11.3 million cheque from the National Lottery offices.

The Lotto jackpot winners, who wish to remain private, didn’t realise they had won last Saturday’s jackpot until the next day.

The winning ticket, a Quick Pick selection, was purchased in the Spar store at the Top Service Station in Amiens Street, Dublin 1 on the day of the draw.

While the lucky husband watched the Sunday evening news, he recognised the name of the winning retailer as their local Spar.


National Lottery app

“I got the ticket and I went upstairs to my wife and I calmly asked her to check the numbers on her phone. She had the National Lottery app so I called out the numbers to her, one by one,” he said. “As we confirmed the fourth number, I just knew we’d won.”

In cautious disbelief, the married couple spent the whole night checking and rechecking the numbers, just in case they had made a mistake in their excitement.

Despite winning the second largest Lotto jackpot of 2016, there will be no caterers in the kitchen on Christmas Day.

“We’re going to have a memorable Christmas surrounded by the ones we love.

“I will be doing the cooking on Christmas day as usual,” said the husband, a civil servant. “And we will have all the kids and extended family there to celebrate with us.”

‘A short break’

The husband, who is involved with Dublin GAA stated: “Due to my commitments with the GAA, any long holidays will be on hold until at least August but we might enjoy a short break away,” he smiled.

The pair said they hope to add to the gifts Santa Claus leaves under the trees of their loved ones.

“This win will mean so much to all of our family and close friends,” he added. “There are so many things we want to do for our loved ones which we may not have been in a position to do last week.”