In Short

A round-up of today's other stories.

A round-up of today's other stories.

UN extends mandate in Afghanistan

UNITED NATIONS -The UN Security Council has unanimously agreed to extend the UN mandate in Afghanistan where Nato-led forces are struggling to overcome a surprisingly fierce Taliban insurgency.

It also called for what UN officials have described as a sharpened role for the UNenvoy.


The resolution referred to the council's "concern about the security situation in Afghanistan, in particular the increased violent and terrorist activities by the Taliban, al-Qaeda, illegally armed groups, criminals and . . . the narcotics trade". - (Reuters)

Hamas, Fatah talks break down

RAMALLAH -Yemeni- brokered talks on reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah have failed and Fatah negotiators are returning to the West Bank without a deal, according to aides to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. - (Reuters)

Russia to host Mid-East talks

DAMASCUS -Russia is preparing to host a Middle East peace conference this year that will try to relaunch talks between Israel and Syria about the occupied Golan Heights, according to Russian officials in Syria.

Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, however, was cool on the idea of participating in such a conference, Israeli officials said. - (Reuters)

Huge pile-up in Czech snowstorm

HUMPOLEC -More than 100 cars and trucks collided in huge pile-ups during a snowstorm in the Czech Republic yesterday, completely blocking its main highway.

At one point about 20,000 people were stranded in jams on the snow- and ice-covered road from the capital Prague to the southeastern city of Brno, a spokeswoman said.

Six people were seriously hurt and several dozen more suffered light injuries. - (Reuters)

Disabled Hulan slaves rescued

BEIJING -Chinese police have rescued 33 mentally disabled people forced to work at a building site by slave-labour merchants after the apparent suicide of a detainee alerted authorities, according to a newspaper.

They were found in Hulan, a city in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang.

More than 30 captives were discovered crammed into a filthy 30sq m (323sq ft) room, the Beijing Times said, after students at a neighbouring police college saw a man who appeared set to jump from a seventh-floor window. - (Reuters)

Thief leaves evidence, his son

AMSTERDAM -A shoplifter looking to make a quick getaway from a Dutch supermarket after stealing a packet of meat left police a crucial piece of evidence - his 12-year-old son.

In his haste, the thief (45) made a solo dash to his car. Police in the southern town of Kerkrade said they contacted the thief via the boy, but he had refused to return and collect his son.

The man told officers to get hold of the youngster's mother instead. However, he turned himself in yesterday. - (Reuters)

Pensioner (83) fights off mugger

BERLIN -An 83-year-old German pensioner chased down a thief less than half her age and berated the man until he returned her handbag.

Police in Augsburg said the man (38) fled after he lifted the bag from a basket on the woman's bicycle. The pensioner jumped on to her bicycle and pursued him across a nearby park.

Once caught, the man tried unsuccessfully to push the woman over.

She then scolded him until he returned the bag. The thief fled but he was later arrested by police. - (Reuters)