In-depth, up-to-date data needed in difficult exam

THE higher-level paper in agricultural economics was quite difficult, according to ASTI subject representative, Mr Larry Flanagan…

THE higher-level paper in agricultural economics was quite difficult, according to ASTI subject representative, Mr Larry Flanagan.

It required an in-depth knowledge of economic principles, Mr Flanagan said. "Questions were extended to the point where they required full knowledge of each topic.

"The top students were happy with the paper but any student who was not really up to it would have struggled," said Mr Flanagan, who teaches in Moate Community School, Co Westmeath.

Question 2 was the most searching question on production functions in years, he said. The diagram would have had to be exaggerated on the answer book to handle this question.


Questions 3 to 5 were standard but searching.

To answer question 6, students would have needed to be aware of current trends and be up to date with day-to-day material, Mr Flanagan said. It required an active interest in agricultural affairs, which students would have had to follow in the media, he said. Students reaction to the higher-level paper ranged from very pleased to hopeful, he noted.

At ordinary level, the paper was very well geared to the level of student, Mr Flanagan said, adding that it was generally fair and well received.