IMO welcomes medical card move

The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has this morning welcomed the Government move on medical cards.

The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has this morning welcomed the Government move on medical cards.

The Taoiseach this morning announced increased thresholds for over-70s medical cards and said those who already have medical cards will not have to undergo means testing.

In a statement, an IMO spokesperson said: "We are pleased that the Government has found a way to ensure that the overwhelming majority of people over 70 years of age will not lose their medical cards. The care of patients continues to be the priority for doctors.

"We are also pleased to note the Government's commitment to pursue amendments to the Competition Act 2002 to enable the IMO to represent its GP members in negotiations with the Department of Health and Children and the HSE."


The statement continued by saying the IMO did not share the concerns raised by the Competition Authority and welcomed "the clarity which the Government has now brought to this issue".

"It is evident that there is now a necessity that the matter be dealt with speedily in the national interest."

"We confirm that, by Friday, 24 October next, we will be making a submission . . . on the proposed new capitation rate for doctors in the GMS who are caring for patients aged 70 and over and we look forward to a decision following the Government meeting of 29 October next," the statement concluded.