Running away from life's stresses

My Marathon : The first part of our Marathon series focuses on a runner in Paris

My Marathon: The first part of our Marathon series focuses on a runner in Paris

Patrice Leguereau

Why I'm running: I run to free my mind of the stresses and strains of work and family life. I ran the New York marathon but Dublin is great because my wife's family is there and the people come out to support the runners.

Age: 34.


Level of experience: I have been running since I was a child but I have only taken part in two marathons before.

Best running achievement: In my first marathon, I broke the three-hour mark.

Where I train: Mostly on the outskirts of Paris in parks or woods near where I live. Sometimes I run along the Seine.

Estimated completion time: Hopefully I'll beat my personal best of 2hrs 57 mins.

Paris is such a busy place, it can really get you down sometimes.

My job as a jewellery designer is not particularly stressful but I need to be completely relaxed to create new designs and running helps me to clear my mind. So, after a day in central Paris, full of cars, tall buildings and fumes, it is great to be able to get out into the woods near where I live and be surrounded by the countryside.

There are three important things in my life: family, sport and work. I try to mix the three together, but when I am preparing for the marathon, it is difficult to get that balance right.

My wife says she is a marathon widow because I spend so much time running, but I normally try to go running after my two sons (aged six and three and a half) are in bed or during my lunch break.

I run along the river bank from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame and back.

I train about five times a week. Every two weeks I add 15 minutes on to each session until the last one, which will be nearly three hours. I run about 70-100km a week.

During July I went cycling in the Alps and did a lot of climbing in the mountains. It built me up and made me stronger. I'd cycle for around two and a half hours at a time so it was nearly the same time as a marathon.

I try not to eat much fat but apart from that I have a pretty normal diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables for vitamins. Before I go training I take carbohydrates and I probably drink four litres of water every day.

I have been running since I was nine. I used to do the 800m but now it's easier to train by myself for long distances.

For the track, you have to be very good, but long distance is more popular and easier to train for in many ways.

I like training, but the race is the real enjoyment. It's the cherry on the cake. If you have trained well, there should be no problem.

I ran the New York marathon but Dublin is great because my wife's family is there and the people come out to support the runners. The streets are lined with people cheering you on. It's great.

I've done just two marathons and each time I've said "no more". But I think if this one goes well, it will definitely be my last ... I think.

(In interview with James Fitzgerald)