At her weight management clinics Nuala Collins finds that clients are very surprised to learn what portion sizes are recommended. Often her clients eat good food but eat too much. Below are some handy hints on how to judge how much you should eat:
Protein: It is recommended to eat two servings of protein a day. Two ounces of cooked meat, fish or poultry per serving. Generally speaking two ounces of cooked meat would be equivalent to a small pork chop.
Carbohydrate: Depending on current weight and level of activity it is recommended to eat between six and 12 servings of carbohydrates a day.
One serving is a 30g bowl of porridge or cereal or a thin slice of bread (a thin slice of bread is around 36g compared with the normal slice which is around 40g). A serving of pasta and rice is about three tablespoons (A Chinese takeaway portion of rice represents between two to three servings).
Dairy: It is recommended to eat three servings of dairy a day. One serving represents a 200ml glass of milk, 30g of cheese or a 125g pot of yoghurt.
Fruit and veg: It is recommended to eat five or more portions of fruit and veg a day. One serving is 80g, which is equivalent to a small banana, an apple, pear or 10 grapes.