Hospice Conference: The Irish Hospice Foundation is holding a national conference on caring for people dying in hospitals, on May 12th, at the Great Southern Hotel, Dublin Airport. The group aims to initiate a national debate on death and dying in our hospitals, and shape an agenda for change. The keynote address at the conference will be given by Pat Cox, former president of the European Parliament, and it will be officially opened by the Minister of State in the Department of Health Seán Power TD. See www.hospice-foundation.ie
MIGRAINE WORKSHOP: A team of specialist migraine nurses from Ireland and the UK are teaming up to provide a series of workshops for people with migraine tomorrow at the Royal Dublin Hotel, O'Connell Street starting at 10am. Three workshops will be run simultaneously, each lasting 45 minutes, and will cover topics such as trigger factors, lifestyle issues and medication. Participants can attend all three workshops, if they wish. Admission is free but places are limited. For advance bookings, call the Migraine Association's helpline 1850 200 378 or e-mail info@migraine.ie.
INCONTINENCE HELP: On average, one woman in three will suffer from urinary incontinence in her lifetime. The majority of these women are mothers over 40. Re-educating the pelvis floor muscles is believed to be the best way of dealing with incontinence. However, some people have difficulty identifying and activating their pelvis floor muscles. For these, a new drug-free option is available. Using electrical muscle stimulation, the technique re-educates and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles so that sufferers can then learn to contract their pelvis floor muscles voluntarily. For further advice, contact the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists or see www.iscp.ie
ACCORD VOLUNTEERS: The marriage education service, Accord, is seeking volunteers to train as marriage education facilitators for its marriage preparation and marriage enrichment courses. It is particularly keen for men to join. Information evenings for those interested will be held in St Brigid's Parish Resource Centre, Killester, Dublin 3 on Monday, May 16th at 8.30pm and in the Accord offices, 39 Harcourt St, Dublin 2 on Monday, May 23rd at 8.30pm. Tel: 01 4784400.