Health Scan: Lifestyle Q&A

Tom Dunne, presenter of the Tom Dunne Show on Newstalk

Tom Dunne, presenter of the Tom Dunne Showon Newstalk

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

I would say I do, but health specialists might disagree. I haven’t been inside a gym in two years. Two weeks ago I bought some state-of-the-art runners, so the will is still there. My saving grace is that my wife Audrey is a chef, so I eat well. I actually like rocket salads and don’t feel like an attention-seeking martyr when I order one. I also don’t smoke, and am a moderate drinker.

How often do you exercise?


In terms of organised activity, not at all. However, I walk a fair bit – twice a day to the Dart, and pushing a double buggy is no picnic. Looking after young children naturally involves physical activity. I would love to get back to cycling and going to the gym, but life’s a bit hectic.

Do you get your five a day?

I think I do. There’s always some salad on the go at home and lots of pastas and good lean meat. Then there’s my weekly session with a nutritionist on the show. She’s got me off caffeine and bathing in Young Green Coconut Water.

Do you worry?

All the time. I can’t really remember a time I didn’t. I worried about the Leaving Cert, college exams, then work, then music and now radio. When you look back, you wonder why you bothered worrying so much, but you still find time to worry about new things. And let’s face it, these are boom times for a worrier.

What do you do to relax?

This is a bone of contention at the moment. Peace breaks out in the house at about 8pm and by 10pm I’m in bed. That’s not a big window. When an opportunity arises though, it’s DVDs, reading and televised sports. The greatest pleasure is going out for dinner. The moment before a lovely meal arrives is always special.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

I’d say lack of exercise. The walking isn’t nearly enough, but I just haven’t found the will to return to the gym yet. It’s probably too late to resurrect my five-a-side career now too.

In conversation with Joanne Hunt