Health Scan Lifestyle Q&A

Easkey Britton, professional surfer, five-time National Irish champion

Easkey Britton, professional surfer, five-time National Irish champion

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

Yes, I hope so. The sea will definitely let you know if you’re being healthy or not, it takes it out of you. I keep in shape by being in the water all the time. Having surfed from such a young age, I’ve been exposed to that sort of outdoorsy life.

How often do you exercise?


I’m in the sea everyday I can and I’m in the water for a couple of hours. Most days, I also do yoga just to keep the flexibility and balance, and it’s a nice wind-down after a surf.

Surfing takes a lot out of you and to be at the top of your game, you need to do a lot of cross training too. I don’t like the gym so I do a boxercise class with the local boxing club.

Do you get your five a day?

Yes, I’ve got a lot more into nutrition lately. When you push yourself, if you don’t look after your body from the inside out, there is a lot of payback. I really love fruit. I love a good breakfast and I use a super food supplement.

Do you worry?

Very rarely. I think that’s to do with the nature of surfing, it’s such a great stress reliever.

The only time I maybe start to get a bit wound up would be if I’m out of the water for a while. I can get sort of cranky and anxious. Once I get in the water, it just really clears my head.

What do you do to relax?

I’m lucky where I live, it’s out in the country, by the sea and there is lots of nature around. I just love heading down to the beach with the family. Surfing is also relaxing, and I love to paint.

What is your unhealthiest habit?

I have a weak spot for ice cream – a 99 after a surf is pretty good. I’d have a glass of wine with friends and a meal, or a pint in Brennan’s pub after a surf, but drinking is not something I do regularly.

I’m up really early, I’m just living my life around these weather patterns, I don’t want to miss out on the good waves.

In conversation with JOANNE HUNT