Nutrition, feeding and oral motor therapy for children with Down Syndrome is the focus of a seminar on Saturday from 10am-5pm in the Emmaus Centre, Swords, Co Dublin. The seminar will be given by dietician, Sarah Naughton, and speech and language therapist, Marinet van Vuren. Occupational therapist, Ailish Kavanagh, will give another seminar on sensory integration and occupational therapy for children with Down Syndrome in the Stillorgan Park Hotel on Saturday, April 9th, from 10am-1pm. See or tel: 01-6618000.
An Easter-themed gluten-free cookery demonstration will be held on Monday, April 4th, at 7pm in the Westwood Hotel, Dangan, Galway. Admission €5.
It is organised by the western branch of the Coeliac Society of Ireland, tel: 087-9309983.
The recovery model in mental healthcare is the topic of next Monday’s free public talk in St John of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Dublin, at 8pm. Shane Hill, director of nursing at Cluain Mhuire services, will give the talk.
The Hunting Brook Gardens in Blessington, Co Wicklow, will host a healthy lifestyles day on Sunday, April 10th, from 10.15am-1.30pm. Speakers include gardening guru Jim Blake, and David and Stephen Flynn, owners of the Happy Pear natural food market and wholefood restaurant, in Greystones. Cost €55
Surviving the Break-Up is a one-day course for separated or divorced individuals. Facilitated by the Marriage and Relationships Counselling Service, it will be held in their offices at 38 Upper Fitzwilliam St, Dublin 2, on Saturday, April 16th, from 9.30am-5pm. Cost €70. Tel: 01-6443901,