Health board

Learning how to distinguish between normal dieting and an eating disorder in teenagers is the topic of an information evening…

Learning how to distinguish between normal dieting and an eating disorder in teenagers is the topic of an information evening for parents, carers and teachers in the Lucena Clinic, 59 Orwell Road, Dublin 6 on Tuesday, February 21st at 7pm.

Admission is free but advanced booking is required on tel: 01 4923596 or email

Chinese medicine practitioner Deirdre Courtney will give public talks on the principles of constitutional medicine (understanding the subtle signs and symptoms of imbalance to optimise health) on Wednesday, February 22nd at 7pm in the Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork city, and on Wednesday, February 29th at 7pm in Griffith College, Dublin 8. Admission €15/€10.

More details and booking on tel: 01 235 3094 or dublininfo@


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Best-selling author and international speaker on human consciousness, Caroline Myss will give a workshop on Saturday, February 25th from 9.30am-5pm in the Stillorgan Park Hotel, Stillorgan, Co Dublin. Cost €75. Booking on

The Parkinson’s Association of Ireland and Act Now Ireland are co-hosting workshops to help those living with Parkinson’s disease.

The workshops will show people with Parksinon’s disease and their families/carers how to apply Acceptance and Commitment Training (Act) to meaningful behaviour change in their lives.

The first Act for Parkinson’s workshops will take place in Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7 on Friday, February 17th and Saturday, February 18th and Friday, May 18th and Saturday, May 19th from 10:30am-4:30pm each day.

For more information, see