HEART BEAT: It struck me the other day with blinding clarity that there are two classes of inhabitants in this little Republic. There is, on the one hand, the chief wizard Bertie and his sub gods, augmented by a golden circle, all of whom operate in mysterious ways which never seem to be to their disadvantage. On the other hand, the rest of us, typified by Citizen Gullible, who are operated upon in various ways, often to our disadvantage.
The Minister for Electronic Voting accompanied by other luminaries of Government have laid out a vision of future transport arrangements for us, all which is breathtaking in its vision. Gee up Neddy and away we go! The West Clare Railway will be a thing of the past. This is the new dispensation. You understand of course that this is to be a 10-year plan, and unless these elves are re-elected it mightn't happen.
You would never know what that other crowd might do. You understand also that this will not affect the hoi polloi very much; they have their own arrangements of State cars, privileged airport access, executive and Government jets and helicopters. It will concern the rest of us, sitting in traffic jams and shuffling through airport security, or hoping that the ambulance will make it in time to carry our relative over lousy roads to some hospital not too far down the dirty hospital list.
Now they have finally realised our plight and are about to do something about it. "God bless you kind sirs, I knew you wouldn't forget us. And sure, of course, we don't pay any attention to those whingers and bad bastards who claim that your kindness is only an election gimmick. Should we doff our caps now sir, or should we wait until it actually happens?"
Possibly we should all wait to doff our collective hat, as by the time it happens we may well not have a hat and maybe our collective shirts will have been squandered as well. Citizen Gullible, do you remember the National Development Plan, the Spatial Strategy, Stadium Ireland, the Digital Hub, Decentralisation, the National Health Strategy and the endless health reports, Hanly, Brennan, and Prospectus?
If you do then ask yourself a simple question. Why should you believe the latest nonsense given the track record above, and that list is by no means exhaustive?
It is rather like the promised hospital developments, multiple opportunities for spin and photo opportunities, little real achievement. Don't get too worked up about it, it is only €9 million a day for 10 years and entrusted to the Minister for Electronic Voting to deliver.
One thing does mystify me however. Who were the audience who sat there and listened to this twaddle? Did they not remember that they had heard most of it before? Did they not wonder about the lack of costings and the absence of feasibility studies? Did they wonder about the priorities and the necessity of some of the items?
I have nothing but respect for Cork and its people, but do we need to come and go hourly? If the Minister had provided you with the planned routes for magic carpet flights, would you all have just sat there and applauded happily?
"And your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions" (Joel, ch.2, v. 14). All very well I am sure in Biblical times, but I would rather action and would sooner applaud deeds.
Back now to our beleaguered and dirty health service, for which the ruling wizards bear no responsibility. In the wake of the most recent tragedy concerning Monaghan hospital, Prof Drumm made a comment to the effect that it would be hard to justify five acute hospitals covering such a small population base. Promptly he was politically admonished, "his not to reason why" etc. Well, Terry Leyden, that is nonsense and you ought to know it. Let us have first class facilities, in appropriate locations, approached by reasonably decent roads and serving adequate population bases.
The problems of the north east are merely a microcosm of the whole service. Monaghan running down, Dundalk likewise, Drogheda not developed to the requisite level to take the consequential load. Political, not medical, considerations take precedence everywhere. Should we build a new hospital, planned for ease of access from the whole area, possibly somewhere like Ardee?
We will never get the service right if political expediency over-rules logic and medical necessity at every turn. Prof Drumm was rightly applauded when he took up this thankless task. I have no doubt he will do his best but he is trying to create a service from amidst confusion, deceit, maladministration and neglect.
Let us give him every possible help and leave him free from political interference. I suppose it would be too much to ask that all political parties in the Dáil could agree to let him at it and refrain from playing politics with his recommendations.
We are told repeatedly how good our economy is, and how we are the envy of Europe. Our hospital service gives this the lie. Affluence without caring is little source of pride.
I have reached my quota for today and I have not even touched upon the dirty hospitals league. Our Minister tells us it is a shame and by virtue of your office, Minister, you are responsible. You are also aware that the misuse of this survey can have calamitous results for the hospital service as a whole. Criticism is a double edged sword, Minister.
Maurice Neligan is a cardiac surgeon