Guidelines for getting cards to be simplified

The strategy has pledged to make medical cards available to greater numbers on low incomes

The strategy has pledged to make medical cards available to greater numbers on low incomes. It said the guidelines for entitlement to the cards would be simplified and clarified.

"In addition to the recent extension of eligibility to all persons over 70, significant improvements will be made in the income guidelines in order to increase the number of persons on low incomes who are eligible for a medical card and to give priority to families with children and particularly children with a disability."

The income threshold for medical cards will be reviewed annually and it is recommended that health boards "reduce as much as possible" the need to exercise judgment on individual cases outside the guidelines.

The number of free visits to a GP for an infant under the Maternity and Infant Care Scheme will be extended from two to six for the first year of life. Under the strategy, the additional visits will cover general illnesses.


Other benefits such as the subvention rates payable to older people in private nursing homes will be reviewed and the prospect of introducing a home subvention scheme will be piloted.

A grant will also be introduced to cover two weeks' respite care a year for dependent older persons. The Carers' Allowance will also be reviewed.

The strategy said the Government has committed itself to introducing these changes but warned "the timing of their introduction will be determined by Government in the context of the prevailing budgetary situation".