Gardai investigate hospital abuse

Gardai in Limerick are investigating allegations of the sexual assault of a female psychiatric patient by a staff member at Limerick…

Gardai in Limerick are investigating allegations of the sexual assault of a female psychiatric patient by a staff member at Limerick Regional Hospital in 1998. A similar complaint has been made by a second female patient.

The Mid Western Health Board said a year-long internal investigation had been completed at the hospital and a confidential report had been published. "I am ensuring that all appropriate steps have been taken. On legal advice at this time, the board is unable to comment further on this matter," Mr Ger Crowley, the board's assistant chief executive officer, said.

The Minister for Health, statutory professional bodies and the Garda have been notified of the report's publication. Supt Willie Keane, of Roxboro Garda station, said a criminal investigation had begun earlier this month.

Mr Richard Butler, a councillor and health board member, publicised the issue after he was approached by a relative of the patient, who is believed to have become pregnant as a result of the assault.


Mr Butler said he believed a second woman had made a complaint about another staff member. He was pressing for a speedy resolution of these cases as staff were "under a cloud of suspicion". He said he would be requesting that the report be made public.