French consumer spending drops

French consumer spending was weaker than expected in November as households spent less money on clothes and leather goods, data…

French consumer spending was weaker than expected in November as households spent less money on clothes and leather goods, data showed today.

National statistics office INSEE said consumer spending decreased by 0.1 per cent month-on-month in November.

Spending on textiles and leather goods fell by 4 per cent versus the month before, while spending on durable goods went up by 3.6 per cent, INSEE said.

In separate data, INSEE said French business morale held steady at 110 in December. Economists had expected the figure to come in at 109.


INSEE also said producer prices went up 0.8 per cent in November and rose 4.2 per cent year-on-year. Economists had expected prices to increase 0.5 per cent month-on-month.