Fourth member of gallery board resigns

A fourth member of the board of the Irish Museum of Modern Art resigned at the weekend

A fourth member of the board of the Irish Museum of Modern Art resigned at the weekend. Ms Fiona O'Malley tendered her resignation late on Friday, following the resignation of the chairwoman, Ms Marie Donnelly.

In her letter of resignation, Ms O'Malley said she could no longer remain a member "when the democratic decision of the board to appoint Dr Brian Kennedy was so scurrilously undermined".

The decision of the board to appoint him last Monday, following a recommendation from the interview panel to continue the search while keeping him in consideration, prompted the resignation of two board members, Ms Terry Prone and Mr Niall Crowley. Dr Kennedy then refused the invitation, and Ms Donnelly resigned.

Ms O'Malley, who is a daughter of Mr Des O'Malley TD and a PD candidate in D·n Laoghaire, said she had every confidence that correct procedure was rigorously enforced throughout the recruitment process.


Asked if, as a candidate for public office, she would not have resigned soon anyway, Ms O'Malley told The Irish Times she was aware the Articles of Association of the museum stipulated that people seeking public office were expected to step down. She had expressed the view at one of her first meetings that this was unfair, and had sought a change in the articles. However, to date they had not been changed.

"I knew my days on the board were numbered," she said, "but you do not become a candidate until you put your papers in."