Food firms to cut salt content

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has secured agreement with the food industry to reduce the level of salt in manufactured…

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has secured agreement with the food industry to reduce the level of salt in manufactured products by 2010.

"People are consuming too much salt. Excessive sodium levels in the diet are estimated to contribute to 41 per cent of deaths annually from cardiovascular disease," said Dr Wayne Anderson, chief specialist of food science at the FSAI.

"One teaspoon less of salt a day per person would have a favourable influence on public health."

The FSAI stressed the need for gradual and sustained reductions, given that 65 to 70 per cent of salt intake is provided through manufactured foods. Dr Anderson said it was estimated that Irish adults consumed an average of 10g of salt per day but this needed to be reduced to 6g.


He said adding salt to food at home accounted for 15-20 per cent of salt intake, and consumers could control reductions in this area. However, he was adamant food businesses had a central role to play.