Flood tribunal hears key witness has left Ireland

Mr James Kennedy, who allegedly gave lobbyist Mr Frank Dunlop £25,000 to influence land rezoning in the 1990s has left Ireland…

Mr James Kennedy, who allegedly gave lobbyist Mr Frank Dunlop £25,000 to influence land rezoning in the 1990s has left Ireland and is now living in Gibraltar.

The Flood tribunal heard this afternoon that Mr Kennedy has refused to appear as a witness in Dublin Castle to address the allegations despite receiving a summons earlier this year.

In a letter from his Gibraltar solicitors, Mr Kennedy said he was living at an address in Irishtown, Gibraltar. He has renounced his Irish citizenship and says he is in poor health. Mr Kennedy said he made the decision to leave Ireland to protect his privacy and that of his family.

The tribunal sent Mr Kennedy a witness summons on July 31st this year asking him to appear in person. But his solicitors responded to the tribunal saying that the allegations "do not dignify a response".


Mr Kennedy's wife, Antoinette, also refused through her solicitors to appear before the tribunal. She said she had no knowledge of any payments to any public representative or politician in return for favours.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times