Five men appeal sentences for Limerick feud

Five Limerick men will today appeal jail sentences they received for their part in a pitched battle between feuding gangs in …

Five Limerick men will today appeal jail sentences they received for their part in a pitched battle between feuding gangs in the city over three years ago.

Nine people were jailed in total over disturbances outside a fast food restaurant in May 2003.

Five of the nine men - Kieran Ryan, Patrick McCarthy, Edward McCarthy, David McCarthy and David Sheehan, all with addresses in Limerick city - will appear before the Court of Criminal Appeal.

During the hearing at Limerick Circuit Court, Judge Carroll Moran said he had to take into account garda evidence that all nine men were heavily involved in a ongoing feud that has led to the deaths of four people since 2000.


Four of the men - Ryan, Patrick McCarthy, Edward McCarthy and Sheehan - were given six-year sentences each after being convicted by a jury of violent disorder

David McCarthy was jailed for five years and three months after he pleaded not guilty to the same charge.