First 'structured dialogue' between church and State

TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny and members of the Government yesterday attended their first structured dialogue between State and church…

TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny and members of the Government yesterday attended their first structured dialogue between State and church, faith communities, philosophical and non-confessional bodies. The dialogue was set up in February 2007 under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty. However, no meeting had taken place since the financial crisis hit in September 2008.

Catholic primate Cardinal Seán Brady told the meeting: “The churches, faith communities and organisations represented here contribute immensely to the life of local communities in pastoral, charitable and volunteer activities . . . there will be opportunities to work together on issues of common concern. There are so many values we share together and which give our country soul.”

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin also attended. The Church of Ireland was represented by its primate, Archbishop Alan Harper, and Archbishop of Dublin Michael Jackson. Present also was the moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Rev Dr Norman Hamilton, and the president of the Methodist Church, Rev Paul Kingston.

The Muslim, Jewish, Bah’ai, Quaker and humanist communities were also represented.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times