Finnish president supports treaty

The Nice Treaty does not threaten the defence identity of the EU's four neutral member-states, according to the Finnish President…

The Nice Treaty does not threaten the defence identity of the EU's four neutral member-states, according to the Finnish President, Ms Tarja Halonen.

She told The Irish Times the EU's emerging defence identity, including the creation of a Rapid Reaction Force, represented an extension of the tradition of peacekeeping at which Ireland and the Nordic countries have excelled.

"We don't lose our identity as a militarily non-aligned country. We feel that we are a bit more active, more involved in the new structures. But we still have our own character," she said.

The President, Mrs Mc Aleese, begins a three-day visit to Finland tomorrow and Ms Halonen said they would discuss EU issues during their meetings. The Finnish President expressed the hope that Ireland would ratify the Nice Treaty, although she stressed that the forthcoming referendum was solely a matter for the Irish people.


"We need the Nice Treaty for enlargement. If the Nice Treaty is not accepted, it would create a great obstacle," she said.

Despite her support for the Rapid Reaction Force, Ms Halonen warned that it must not develop into a European army or an alternative to NATO.

Denis Staunton

Denis Staunton

Denis Staunton is China Correspondent of The Irish Times