FF TD tells Sarkozy to stop meddling

REACTION TO VISIT NICOLAS SARKOZY "should mind his own business and leave us to settle our own affairs", according to a Fianna…

REACTION TO VISITNICOLAS SARKOZY "should mind his own business and leave us to settle our own affairs", according to a Fianna Fáil backbencher.

Mattie McGrath, a TD for Tipperary South, said president Sarkozy "has no business meddling with a sovereign nation" and that "there should not be a second referendum".

He said he had "no doubt that the Taoiseach will be telling President Sarkozy this behind the scenes" on Monday. He claims widespread support for his views which he claimed represent "the feeling of many of us in the Fianna Fáil party". "The Irish people have spoken and we should accept that, and we won't take lectures from Sarkozy or anybody else". Mr Sarkozy "should listen to all the groups" when he visits Dublin and "not come for pure showmanship".

Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern, who was visiting Tipperary, said: "President Sarkozy is entitled to say what he has to say, but he doesn't dictate to us nor can he".


Fianna Fáil Minister of State Dr Martin Mansergh said he had "not yet" made up his mind about a second referendum but believes "it is something that needs to be very carefully assessed by the Government" and that, "at this stage, nothing is ruled in and nothing is ruled out" but "voting again, per se, is not undemocratic". Dr Mansergh deplored "hostility to France and Germany" and said both had helped Ireland to receive €60 billion in EU subsidies and grants. "We owe [ both countries} a great deal," he said.