FF plan sees 30,000 jobs in 2011

Enterprise Ireland and the IDA would create 30,000 new jobs this year under a Fianna Fáil plan, party leader Micheál Martin said…

Enterprise Ireland and the IDA would create 30,000 new jobs this year under a Fianna Fáil plan, party leader Micheál Martin said today.

"And I believe Ireland's growth and confidence will return as exports continue to increase,'' he added.

"Ireland has a great track record, talent, technology and tax regime. These are inherent strengths that we can build upon with the right policies.''

Mr Martin was speaking at a press conference in party headquarters, Dublin, where he unveiled  a policy document on supporting small and medium sized enterprise with John McGuinness TD.

The plan envisages the provision for investments in small firms in their earliest stages of development via Enterprise Ireland's €175 million seed and venture capital programme and through the €500 million innovation fund.

A minister of state with responsibility for small business would be appointed, and the old BES scheme would be transformed into a new employment and investment incentive.

The three-year corporation tax exemption for start-up companies would be extended, and SMEs would be assisted by enterprise agencies to improve performance, productivity and competitiveness.

Mr Martin said it was a Fianna Fáil priority to ensure the flow of credit was restored to small businesses.

"Fianna Fáil's position is simple: if the banks are not working for small business, then it is the responsibility and obligation of the political system to make sure that they do so,'' he added.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times