'Fast' kidney gave John a real sporting chance

“I GAVE him my fast kidney,” jokes Frank Moran about his brother John, who has this week won three gold medals at the European…

“I GAVE him my fast kidney,” jokes Frank Moran about his brother John, who has this week won three gold medals at the European Transplant and Dialysis games in Dublin.

Finglas native John Moran (52), who took gold in the 5km run, the 5km cycling time trial and 20km cycle race, had a kidney transplant – courtesy of his brother – 25 years ago. The athlete says he now celebrates two birthdays, his own and Frank’s: “When it’s Frank’s birthday, I think, part of me is that age.”

Having suffered kidney disease as a child, John spent long periods in hospital. When his condition worsened in his 20s, he went on dialysis for five hours a day, three days a week for two years.

When he was 26, tests on his four brothers and three sisters to assess their suitability as organ donors showed that older brother Frank was the best match. “The consultant said the match was as good as if we were identical twins,” says Frank.


Aged 31 and married with an 18-month-old daughter at the time, Frank says: “I had the chance to give John the gift of life. I just thought there’s no greater opportunity really.”

The brothers recall going into surgery together, “we were side by side on trolleys. I remember we wished each other good luck,” says John.

“The kidney worked straight away,” says John. Unable to travel before the transplant, he says: “It was really a new lease of life. The operation was in May and by August, I was off on a cycling and camping trip in Switzerland.”

John first represented Ireland in the Transplant and Dialysis Games at Innsbruck, Austria, in 1987, taking gold in cycling and running. He has since competed in five World Transplant Games, making it to the winners’ podium each time.

While he was back at work as a toolmaker yesterday, John competes again this Friday and Saturday in the 800 metre and 1500 metre runs. He is one of 71 Irish athletes taking part in the games which have brought athletes from 24 countries to Dublin.

By the end of day two, Ireland’s overall medal haul was a healthy 31 medals with five days of competition left.

Says Frank of his brother: “I think I must have given him my sporting kidney. I’ve had no problems at all since the operation. It’s brought nothing but good things.”

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance