Evening courses offered on theme of reconciliation

STARTING September 27th, the Irish School of Ecumenics (in association with Queen's University Belfast) offers a Friday evening…

STARTING September 27th, the Irish School of Ecumenics (in association with Queen's University Belfast) offers a Friday evening course on "Reconciliation in Religion and Society". Further details from the Rev John Morrow, I.S.E., 48 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AZ, Tel. 66 31 45, Fax. 38 17 37.


On September 12th, 8 p.m., Fortwilliam Presbyterian Church the third annual Michael Hurley Lecture will be given by Judge Catherine McGuinness on the topic "The Achievement of the Forum." The meeting will be chaired by Denis Moloney and Michael Hurley S.J. will be guest of honour.

On September 23rd and 30th, 7.45 p.m., The Columbanus Community of Reconciliation will host two meetings to address historical and psychological issues raised in the process of "Moving from Fear to Trust". At the first meeting, Joe Liechty will speak on "Sources of Fear in our Society", and the following week Marie McNiece will reflect on "The Nature of Fear". Also, at the Columbanus Community on September 14th, 21st and 28th, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., "Bibliodrama I" with Harry Brandsma. September 16th, 2-4 p.m., "Weavings" - a colourful exploration of the threads of life - with Pam Frier. The Columbanus Community is located at 683 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 4EG, Telephone 77 80 09.


Starting on October 1st, Columbanus Community, 7.30 p.m., the Irish School of Ecumenics (in association with the University of Ulster) offers an evening course on Tuesdays leading to the Certificate in Ecumenical Studies.

Starting October 26th, the Irish School of Ecumenics (in association with Queen's University Belfast) offers an evening course on Thursdays examining "Reconciliation in Religion and Society".


Starting October 5th, 10 a.m., Magee College, the Irish School of Ecumenics (in association with the University of Ulster) offers a course on Saturday mornings leading to the Certificate in Ecumenical Studies. Details from the Rev John Morrow, I.S.E., 48 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AZ, Tel. 66 31 45. Fax 38 1737.


September 17th, 1 pm., Oak Room, The Mansion House, The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the Right Rev Dr D. H. Allen will give an address to The Irish Association, entitled "My Future Hopes for Ireland". The meeting will be chaired by Dr John Bowman.

Starting on October 7th, Precourse orientation day, Saturday October 5th, the Irish School of Ecumenics (in association with Trinity College, Dublin) offers courses leading to the M.Phil. or the Diploma in Ecumenical Studies. Courses offered by the I.S.E. include; the theological foundations of ecumenism; Eucharist and Eucharistic Sharing; Jewish Christian Dialogue; the Faith and Practice of Islam; Issues in Buddhist Christian Dialogue; the Politics of Development; and Conflict and Peace in Ireland. It is also possible to follow individual courses. Further details from The Irish School of Ecumenics, Bea House, Milltown Park, Dublin 6. Tel. 260 1144. Fax 260 1158.


Starting on October 14th, Aisling Centre, 37 Darling Street, the Irish School of Ecumenics offers a Monday evening course entitled "Bridging the Differences: Reconciliation in Religion and Society". Details from the Rev John Morrow, I.S.E., 48 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AZ. Tel 66 31 45, Fax 38 1737.


Starting on October 2nd, at the Dominican Community, St Catherine's, Dominic Street, there will be weekly meetings of Christians Together in Newry.