Yellow pack profession

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

As a member of the Ballymun/Finglas Teachers' Supply Panel, I wish to clarify a point made by INTO General Secretary, Mr Joe O'Toole, in E&L, January 23rd, lest the wrong impression be given.

Mr O'Toole is quoted as saying that teachers from the supply panels (which he rightly proposes as a solution to the ongoing substitution crisis) are "permanently employed". Indeed, the three previously piloted panels are now a permanent fixture.

However, after two and a half years, supply teachers are still employed in a temporary capacity, despite the fact that the panels have been recognised as an astounding success by all parties concerned.


I continually fail to comprehend the "penny wise - pound foolish" logic of the Department of Education which will not expand these projects nationally or give permanence to their teachers.

This would make these innovative schemes more attractive to teachers who are currently unemployed or those seeking flexibility within the system. The present farcical situation as highlighted by columnist, Anne Byrne, last week, whereby "sub" teaching is fair game for anyone with a Leaving Certificate to try their hand at, is making a mockery of an education system for which we are renowned the world over.

The INTO leadership's concern on this issue rings hollow to me, when I consider the fact that it has been ommitted from its shopping list for proposed industrial action.

Meanwhile, many "spailpin teachers" end up in burger bars in Boston, kids get dumped next door into already crowded classrooms and we non permanent teachers remain the yellow pack workers of primary education.

Is mise,

48 Bothar Bhaile Cora,


BAC 11.