The Information Society Commission has an excellent, informative web presence, but then it would not be living up to its own aims if it didn't. Set up in 1997, its main function is to conduct research and benchmark Ireland against other countries in its development as an information society. It also advises the Government on policies to ensure Ireland develops to its full potential as an information society and promotes awareness of communications technology in both the general public and the business community.
The research carried out by the ISC is of use to anyone studying or teaching anything related to new technology. For instance, a 1999 study found that 97 per cent of all people over 15 had heard of the Internet and 94 per cent had heard of e-mail. However, only two people in five considered themselves to be reasonably familiar with these technologies, with one-in-three having access and 28 per cent using the Internet. These figures have certainly increased in the meantime, but the information is useful nonetheless.
The ISC is also strong on social inclusion and in efforts to prevent a knowledge gap growing around the Internet. Last month's Third Report of the Information Society Commission, which outlines the steps towards achieving a fully inclusive information society, can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF file.
A very useful section of the site, particularly for people visiting from abroad, is the Internet venue directory. This gives details of the number of terminals available, opening times and the cost of Internet access at various addresses around the country. It is far from complete, but that's where you come in.
If you are providing Internet access and not currently on this list, you can submit the details directly through this site. According to themselves: "We are happy to include all legitimate points of access whether commercial, free of charge or available for particular groups."
The site also has a very good internal search engine and allows you to sign up for its free monthly e-mailed newsletter on a range of domestic and international news stories relating to new technologies. There is also an archive of previous newsletters.